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Anyone can scan the boarding pass barcode with a mobile app, allowing access to frequent-flyer accounts and even a passenger's temporary airline account Welcome back, my greenhorn hackers. I had promised new series on hacking web applications, mobile devices, and even Facebook here on Null Byte, and I intend to deliver you those sometime this year.

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In each of those topics, I will introduce you to new hacking tools and techniq This week, California, like a growing portion of America is now 'handsfree'. As of July 1st, mobile phone use in cars became prohibited without the use of a headset. If you happen to choose a wireless Bluetooth over a wired option It is not a secure technology.

The cell phone has come a long way. The very first "mobile devices" were made and used by the military in the late s, with the first commercial mobile telephone service introduced by Bell in These devices were hardly what we'd call mobile today—some took up the whole Since most devices these days are mobile and wireless, a lot of people have a bunch of old hardware from a decade or two ago sitting around unused, just wasting away in dusty boxes.

If you have an old mouse or several lying around, you can turn it into a wire When our Nexus 7s upgraded to KitKat, one key piece of functionality was lost in the mix—Flash support. Of course, even before that we never had official support on the Nexus 7, but hacks seemed to do the job just fine. As it stands now, Google remains on the warpath against F Chrysaor, a zero-day spyware believed to have been created by the Israeli "cyber war" group NSO, is an even greater threat to Android phones than it ever was to iOS.

Related to the Pegasus hack that recently affected iPhones, Chrysaor is malware that baits the user into insta Welcome back, my greenhorn hackers! In many cases when a computer, phone, or mobile device is seized for evidence, the system will have graphic images that might be used as evidence.

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Obviously, in some cases these graphic images may be the evidence such as in child pornograph If you've ever noticed that the stock launcher on an Android device seems to just feel faster than any third-party home screen replacement app, this is not a placebo effect. Most manufacturers, Samsung included, force their stock launchers to reside permanently in your phone's Since I first announced the new Null Byte recognition for excellence a few weeks ago, several of you have written me asking, "How can I study for this certification exam, and what material will be covered on the exam?

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This new series on Bluetooth hacking was inspired by a recent episode of Mr. Robot my favorite TV show. In episode 6, Eliot hacked the bluetooth keyboard of the police office in order to hack the prison and release his nemesis, Vera. Each day, we read about another security breach somewhere in our digital world. It has become so commonplace that we hardly react anymore.

Morgan, iCloud, Home Depot, and the list goes on and on. Those are just the big ones that get reported in the news. You know it's crazy out there when governments start blocking social websites like Facebook, Twitter and even YouTube. But that's what happened in Egypt, when tens of thousands of anti-government protesters took to the streets on Tuesday January 25th in hopes of ending Presi Prank Calls, Masked NumbersWho is calling your phone or your child's?

Pranksters use a lot of tricks to make sure they can get on your nerves. Being able to trace prank calls is important because you're not going to learn much from your Caller ID, since most prank callers use.

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Kundenzufriedenheit ist das oberste Ziel von mSpy. In dem Moment, wo ich mSpy probiert hatte, wurde das Programm für mich als Elternteil zu einem unverzichtbaren Helfer im Alltag. Gut finde ich auch, dass ich genau einstellen kann, welche Kontakte, Websites und Apps okay sind, und welche nicht.

Im Notfall kann ich ungebetene Kontakte sogar ganz blockieren. Eine gute Wahl für alle Eltern, die nicht von gestern sind. Ich kann's nur empfehlen! Mein Sohnemann klebt rund um die Uhr an seinem Smartphone.

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Da möchte ich schon auch mal wissen, dass da nichts auf schiefe Bahnen ausschert. Mit mSpy bin ich immer auf dem Laufenden, was er in der bunten Smartphone-Welt so treibt. Ich habe nach einer netten App geschaut, mit der ich meine Kinder im Blick behalten kann, auch wenn ich nicht in der Nähe bin. Ein kritischer kommentar klicken sie einfach für quelle überwachungsaffäre der geheimdienste von martin holland auf heise online: immer wenn neue details zu den totalen und weltweiten überwachungsprogrammen veröffentlicht werden, gibt es zwei verteidigungen: das dient dem kampf gegen den terrorismus.

Dabei geht es zunächst darum, ob die überwachung des rechners rechtens war und ob die daten als beweismittel genutzt werden dürfen. Diese daten werden, wie niederländische behörden nachgewiesen haben, auf amerikanische server übertragen, ohne dass man es merkt. Die bundesregierung wollte die berichte über den aktuellen fall nicht bestätigen.

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Den Angaben nach ist die App nur für legales Monitoring vorgesehen. Und sicherlich gibt es legitime Gründe, sie zu installieren.

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