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    That should take care of most folks. We extensively tested most roms but CM Nightly seemed to not like this edit.

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    I guess it would depend on the build… we tested nightly 50 My suggestion would be to all the rom developers out there to edit their own service. That should do it but since ALL roms services. ALSO, if you are running a added on theme, you need to use the service. That may be technically true but it is utter crap and they know it.

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    They are already being sued for this but I doubt anything will happen. Those folks are the ones who made t-mobile do this. That is just a suggestion and obviously this can be used for anyone who wants to. Again, you guys are the ones who editing your own services. I am not responsible! Like Pres Nixon said, "I am not a crook! Antworten Mehr Link zum Beitrag.